JFK Lancer Productions &Publications

Dear JFK researcher,

The JFK-Lancer group invites you to submit your research for publication. Our news magazine is published four times each year along with our Resource Mail Order Catalog. Our publications are sent to subscribers around the globe and are made available to schools and libraries. A typical issue contains research articles, letters to the editor, clippings of news articles relevant to the assassination, obituaries, book or video reviews, and interviews. Our style is bold, but evidence driven, and always visually appealing. Sort of like a USA Today, except in black and white!

We also publish research manuscripts:

Writers that have appeared in The Assassination Chronicles recently are:
Joe Backes Richard Bartholomew Steve Bochan Mark Bridger
Rick Caster Debra Conway Charles Crenshaw, M.D Frank DeBenedictis
George Michael Evica Ron Friedrich Michael Griffith Ian Griggs
Sherry Gutierriz Ed Hoffman Tom Hudson Gary James
Russell Kent Connie Kritzberg Dr. Samuel Kritzberg Gary Mack
Anthony Marsh Chris Mills Martha Moyer John Newman
Brad Parker David Perry Marina Oswald Porter Gary Raymond
Craig Roberts Hal Verb Harold Weisberg Gordon Winslow

Your work needs to be published and reviewed by your peers and the public. One of our goals at JFK-Lancer is to provide a forum for researchers such as yourself. Another is to provide our readers with the most up-to-date information on the case as possible. We cannot reach our goals without your help.

Let the word go forth,

George Michael Evica

Manuscripts submitted for possible publication in The Assassination Chronicles should be in:

  1. Typescript, or preferably
  2. Print-out accompanied, if possible, by a copy on disk in ASCII format, or
  3. E-mailed in ASCII format
  4. Double-spaced

Send your Chronicles submissions to:

George Michael Evica
107 North Beacon St.
Hartford, CT 06105

e-mail: evica@uhavax.hartford.edu (George Michael Evica)

or jfklancr@exo.com (Debra Conway)

Prior to submitting a monograph or book-length research manuscript for possible printing and distribution by JFK Lancer Productions & Publications, please contact Debra Conway or Thomas A. Jones, Publishers

Writing Requirements Using the Warren Report and 26 Volumes

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